Commands[edit | edit source]
Tips & Tricks[edit | edit source]
- Mine ore veins instantly by holding sneak when mining.
- Use an axe to instantly chop trees.
- Deposit diamonds into your diamond bank balance, to purchase your market stall. This can be easily done at the market.
- All players receive 200 claiming blocks for every active hour playing on the server.
- Right-click a chest with a sign to protect it from ALL players accessing the contents. This includes protected-chests inside claims with trusted players.
Member Commands[edit | edit source]
/wiki | Link to server wiki. |
/website | Link to server website. |
/discord | Invitation link to discord server. |
/buy | Link to the server store. |
/vote | Vote for the server, and redeem for rewards. |
/rules | Read the server rules. |
/texturepack | Link to the official server texturepack. |
/warps | See all available warps. |
/biome | Teleport to the overworld-biome selector. |
/biomes | Open a GUI to select overworld and nether biomes. |
/warp netherbiome | Teleport to the nether-biome selector. |
/sethome [name] | Set a home with a specific name. |
/delhome [name] | Remove one of your homes. |
/home [name] | Teleport to your homes. |
/back | Return to your last death-location. |
/wild | Randomly teleport to somewhere in the overworld. |
/mine | Mine for ores at the Cat Canyon Mines. |
/kit default | Receive basic necessities for survival |
/veinminer mode sneak | veinmine only while sneaking. Note it's on by defualt. |
/veinminer mode stand | veinmine only while standing. |
/veinminer mode always | veinmine while standing or sneaking. |
/veinminer mode none | turns veinnminer off. |
/veinminer toggle hoe | toggle on/off veinmining with a hoe. |
/veinminer toggle shears | toggle on/off veinmining with shears. |
/veinminer toggle shovel | toggle on/off veinmining with a shovel. |
/veinminer toggle pickaxe | toggle on/off veinmining with a pickaxe. |
/veinminer toggle axe | toggle on/off veinmining with an axe. |
/shopmenu | Open your personal market stall menu |
/market | Teleport to the player-trading market. |
/arm tp [shopID] | Teleport to someone's shop ID, e.g. /arm tp a1u2 |
/channel market | Talk in dedicated market chat and advertise for more sales. |
/group | Talk to players that are within 100 blocks from you. |
/help cshop | Brief guide on how to make your own chest-shops. |
/ts help | More information on chest-shop commands. |
/ts what | See the contents of what is being sold in a chest-shop. |
/ts setProduct | Set a specific item to be sold in your tradeshop. Hold the item while performing this command. |
/ts addProduct | Add an additional item to be sold in your tradeshop. Hold the item while performing this command. |
/ts setCost | set the cost of the item you're selling in your tradeshop. Hold the item while performing this command. |
/ts addCost | Add additional cost in your tradeshop. Hold the item while performing this command. |
/ts open/close | Change the status of your chestshop from open/close. |
/ts addManager [player] | Add a player that can fully-access/manage your chestshop. |
/ts status | Check the stock levels of your chestshops |
/balance | See your current diamond bank balance. |
/heads | Explore the 50k+ custom heads available to purchase for in-game diamonds. |
/heads search [type] | Search for a specific type of custom head. |
/shopfinder | Find the nearest available to buy, shop stall. |
/arm addmember [player] | Add a member to your market shop (build perms). |
/arm settplocation | Change the default teleport location of your shop. |
/trade [player] | Trade with a player through a secure GUI. |
/tpa [player] | Request to teleport to a player. |
/tpaccept | Accept a teleportation request from a player. |
/tpaccept * | Accepts all pending teleportation requests. |
/tpcancel | Deny a teleportation request from a player. |
/pvp | A dedicated PvP arena. Warning: Item drops is enabled. |
/games | Teleport to the mini-games world, on top of a giant turtle. |
/msg [player] [message] | Private message a player. |
/reply [message] | Reply to a private message from a player. |
/warnings | Check your personal record. |
/mail [player] [message] | Mail any online or offline player. |
/ignoreplayer [player] | Ignore all messages from the player. Run the command again to unignore the player. |
/ignoredplayerlist | See a list of all actively ignored players. |
/notify | Toggle whether to receive notifications from players. |
/g | Return to global chat. |
/channel group | Join a chat group that is based on players near you (within 300 blocks). |
/channel cat | Join the cat cafe chat when inside the Cat Café |
/togglechat | Togglechat to show or not show. |
/meow [player] | Meow at a player. |
/purr [player] | Purr at a player. |
/realname [nickname] | Reveal a players real name, hidden behind a nick. |
/helpop [message] | Message an active staff member privately. |
/what | View [item] for Bedrock Players |
/clan | See all available commands for clans. |
/clan create [ClanName] | Create a clan. |
/clan info [ClanName] | See info about a clan. |
/clan rename [ClanName] | Rename your clan. |
/clan accept [ClanName] | Accept a request to join the clan. |
/clan deny [ClanName] | Deny a request to join the clan. |
/c [message] | Send a private message to your clan. |
/clan chat | Toggle between normal chat and private clan chat. |
/clan leave | Leave your current clan. |
/bannermaker | Design a custom banner using the interactive GUI. |
/clan protection on/off | turns pvp on/off for your clan |
/kit claim | Receive the necessary items for claiming land. |
/AbandonClaim | Abandon your claim. |
/trust [player] | Trust a player in that specific claim. |
/untrust [player] | Untrust a player from that specific claim. |
/AccessTrust | Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds. |
/ContainerTrust | Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals. |
/TrustList | Lists the permissions for the claim you're standing in. |
/SubdivideClaims | Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims. |
/BasicClaims | Puts your shovel back in basic claims mode. |
/Untrust All | Removes all permissions for all players in your claim. |
/AbandonAllClaims | Deletes all of your claims. |
/GivePet [player] | Gives away a tamed animal to someone. |
/ClaimsList | Lists a player's claims and claim block details. |
/Trapped | Gets a player out of a land claim he's trapped inside. |
/UnlockDrops | Allows other players to pick up items you dropped when you died. |
/banfromclaim [player] | Disallow a specific player from entering your claimed land. |
/unbanfromclaim [player] | Allow a specific player from entering your claimed land again. |
/banfromclaimlist | See a list of players that are banned from your claims. |
/banfromclaimall | Ban all players (except trusted users) from your claims. |
/catgod | Visit the ancient catgod pyramids. |
/toppt | See the leaderboard of the longest playtimes. |
/playtime | See your personal playtime and join-date. |
/sv top | See the top voters of the month. |
/sit | Sit down. |
/lay | Lay down on your back. |
/crawl | Crawl on your stomach. |
/blocklocker [line number] [player] | Add another player to a protected sign. E.g Right click the sign then do /blockerlocker 3 [player]. |
/slime | Check whether you're standing on a slime chunk or not. /slime is currently disabled. |
/mail send [Player] [Message] | Send a letter to an online or offline player. |
/mail read | Opens your mail inbox. |
/itembox send [player] | Sends the item you're holding to an online or offline player. |
/itembox open | opens your itembox |
/itembox claimall | Claims all the items in your itembox. If the amount of items exceeds the space in your inventory the remaining items will drop on the ground. |
/itf toggle | Toggle the invisibility effect on the item frame you’re looking at. |
/itf togglemode | Toggle the invisibility effect for all item frames you right-click on. |
/itf scan [radius] | Briefly scans for item frames near you and applies particles to find them. |
/trademark add | Adds a trademark to your mapart, making it un-copyable by other players. |
/trademark remove | Removes the trademark from your mapart. |
/geyser offhand | Puts an item in your offhand. |
/geyser statistics | View personal in-game statistics |
/geyser advancements | View personal in-game advancements |
Leopard Commands[edit | edit source]
/sethome [name] | Ability to set 3 Homes (Default is 2) |
/ptime | Set your own personal time of day in-game. |
/craft | Open a personal crafting bench |
/redeem | Redeem a cat diamond daily. |
Cheetah Commands[edit | edit source]
/sethome [name] | Ability to set 5 Homes (Default is 2). |
/hat | Wear the item in your hand as a helmet (cosmetic feature). |
/enderchest or /ec | Open your personal enderchest instantly. |
/nickname [name] | Set your very own nickname for in-game (no color). |
/nick off | Removes your current nickname. |
Jaguar Commands[edit | edit source]
/sethome [name] | Set 12 Homes (Default is 2). |
/nickname [name] | Set your very own nickname for in-game (color RGB). |
/nick off | Removes your current nickname and gradient. |
/gradients | Choose from 50+ pre-made gradients to apply to your name. |
/disposal | Take out the trash with a portable rubbish bin. |
/feed | Satisfy your hunger (20 minute cooldown). |
/invsort | Sorts your inventory. |
/chestsort on | Sorts your chests. |
/chestsort hotkeys | Configure chestsort hotkeys. |
Tiger Commands[edit | edit source]
/sethome [name] | Set 25 Homes (Default is 2). |
/feed | Satisfy your hunger (no cooldown). |
/repair | Repair the item in your hand (6 hour cooldown). |
/banfromclaimall | Ban all players (except trusted users) from your claims. |
Lion Commands[edit | edit source]
/sethome [name] | Set 50 Homes (Default is 2). |
/heal | Heal yourself (5 minutes cooldown). |
/repair all | Repair everything in your inventory even if it doesn't have mending (6 hour cooldown). |
/nv | Toggle night-vision on/off |
/return | Return to your previous location |
/stonecutter | Open a virtual stonecutter |