Halloween 2021
File:Halloween castle 2021.png
History[edit | edit source]
The Halloween event was a massive adventure map on our Event server that featured many fun puzzles, trick & treating, rooms, haunted houses, scary jump scares, region-specific soundtracks and a free reward claimable on both realms when completed. The event was live throughout October 2021.
Trailer[edit | edit source]
Event Floors[edit | edit source]
To complete the event, all four floors had to be cleared.
Floor one[edit | edit source]
Dining Hall - Dining can't start without either end of the table being seated! Library - There's something striking about these cursed books here, they seem to match. Fountain - Face the fountain if you seek redemption? That's awfully cryptic. Sewer entrance - Seems like there's a trail of blood, wonder where it leads. Plant room - The only room in this house that doesn't reek of death. Kitchen - The meat in here doesn't look right...
Floor two[edit | edit source]
Living room, fireplace - Looks like there are hinges on the fireplace, wonder how to open it. Storage closet - Pretty dusty in here. Ballroom - Left, up, right, back, right, up, right. Piano room - Being a talented musician opens many doors in life, can't hurt to give it a try! Bedroom - Mother always told us to never jump on the bed. Bathroom - The mirror reveals what your eye's can't see on their own.
Floor three[edit | edit source]
Mannequin room - The skull at the end of this hall looks very grabbable... cough cough. Clock room - Make sure you're not walking over the hint in this room! Theatre - There must be a way to open these curtains. Maybe once the play starts. Sleeping Doll - Whatever ungodly thing is in that bed, better not wake it up. Time to tiptoe!
Floor four[edit | edit source]
Spider Attic - Spiders don't eat people. Right?
Rewards[edit | edit source]
Completing the Halloween event granted free Halloween themed rewards on both Blue and Red Realm.
Halloween Crate[edit | edit source]
Pumpkin Blade: Hey if it ever breaks during battle, maybe you could throw it in the oven for a tasty treat!
Pumpkin Pickaxe: Logic dictates pumpkin should be unable to break stone. Halloween spirit dictates otherwise.
Pumpkin Battle Axe: Do the monster mash to their heads!
Pumpkin Shovel: Perfect for digging graves... Or planting pumpkins!
Pumpkin Helmet: Be weary of putting this on, you might not be able to pluck it off! Seems like enderman hate it for some reason.
Pumpkin Chestplate: Smells like burnt pumpkin pie! Appears to be pretty tough though.
Pumpkin Leggings: Forged with pockets deep enough to hold all the candies!
Pumpkin Boots: A light pair of boots perfect for running from house to house.
Soul Stealer Scythe: May or may not be guaranteed to reap the souls of your enemies. Either way, it makes for quite an intimidating walking stick.
Pumpkin Bow: Stealing souls has never been so easy! Just don’t let your buddies call you out on your camping, though.
Witch's Broomstick (Trident): Unfortunately, it doesn't come with a cat on the back.
Halloween Build Competition Winners[edit | edit source]
First Place[edit | edit source]
🥇 Tiaga_ File:1st place.png
Second Place[edit | edit source]
🥈_Colejacobs6697/_TickingClock516 File:2nd place.png
Third Place[edit | edit source]
🥉benedictdaleggy File:3rd place.png