
- All members of CatCraft must abide by the market rules. Failure to do so will result in a warning ➡ removal of store ➡ ban.
- All market stores must not be left unattended for more than 31 days. If you have not joined the server for 31 days continuously, an Admin will remove your shop ownership.
- The server economy is solely in diamonds. All chest shops must be exchanging diamonds for items/blocks.
- Selling in-game items for real-life money will lead to a server ban. Additionally, trading with external currencies, items from outside the server, or any off-platform benefits is prohibited to safeguard against fraud.
- All enchanted or non-enchanted gear must sell for the minimum raw materials cost. For instance, a diamond chest plate that is enchanted must sell for at least eight diamonds. Please also see the restricted items list.
- Everyone on the server is allowed to own ONE shop. You may be a part of three different members' shops, allowing a total of four shops you can associate yourself with. Using alt accounts to purchase more shops is strictly prohibited.
- Before selling any items/blocks in your market stall, ensure you abide by the minimum diamond costs for restricted items.
- Shop hogging, monopolising of shop spaces, and using shops as storage spaces rather than for its intended marketplace purposes is not permitted.
- There is a hard cap of 50 entities per shop. This primarily includes item frames as mob-spawning is disabled in the Market. Signs, chests, barrels, Armor-stands, or other tile entities are not included, and can be used without any limits.
- The Newspaper feature (/news) is only to be used for advertising items sold within your Market shop. It can not be used for advertising clans, promoting products sold in other worlds or locations outside of your Market shop, or renaming items with instructions or directions for buying items not available directly within your Market shop.
Updated 30th November 2023
Restricted Items List
Crate Keys | Spawners | Shulkers (Temporarily removed) |
The Newspaper is an interactive GUI inspired from the game HayDay, that allows you to list up to 5 items from your chestshops for sale. Accessible via a simple command, /news, this GUI displays items/blocks that players across the Realm sell in their shops. It refreshes periodically to ensure a constant rotation of fresh listings.
To list your items in the Newspaper, all you need to do is look at your chestshop sign and run the command /ts sponsor. Your item will then be placed in a queue to appear in the Newspaper's next refresh cycle. The Newspaper can be viewed by running the command /news
IMPORTANT: Using ALT accounts or other means to exceed the minimum 5 item listings per account is prohibited.

How to Buy a Shop at /market
- Go to /market
- Deposit 180 diamonds at the deposit signs behind you
- Use /shopfinder to see which shops are currently available and choose any shop you would like to teleport to
- Check you have 180 D with the command /bal If your diamond bank balance is less than 180 D, re-read step 2); otherwise, right-click the shop sign on the outside of the shop to acquire your shop.

ChestShop Tutorial

- Place a barrel in your shop (if you haven't already)
- While crouching, place a sign down
- Write on the first line: [Trade]
- Hold the item/block you want to sell, and type /ts addproduct amount 5. Hold diamonds (or if you sell diamonds for something else, that item/block) and type /ts addcost price
- Place the items/blocks you are planning on selling into the chest shop. The sign will automatically change to 'Open' if the execution was successful. If the shop shows as closed
- Check to ensure the correct items are stocked.
- Type the command /ts open while looking at the sign.
Tip: If your chest shop gives a [Trade] with red text on the first line error, place the chest one block behind.
Alternatively you can do [bitrade] to sell and buy the cost and product in the same trade shop. E.g you can set the product to 32 gold and the cost 1 diamond and than a player can buy the diamond and sell the gold by left clicking or buy the gold with a diamond by right clicking
Custom Heads
Spice up your store design by using custom heads! Choose from a selection of over 25k+ custom heads to add to your store. They are sold for diamonds and can be accessed using the command /heads To find a specific custom head, search the database using the command /heads search [category]
Storefront Design
All shop owners with leopard rank and above may request a custom-heads title for their storefront. If you would like to request to place custom heads on your store's front, create a support ticket on the discord server by going to #support and clicking "create ticket".
In the support ticket, let us know:
- Your player IGN
- Your market shop ID
Note: Custom-heads service-fees are one diamond per custom head placed. All heads must be provided by the market stall owner. Please place your custom-heads and diamonds inside a chest at the front of your store, before making the ticket. Market stalls that are owned by a Cat-ranked player, are not eligible for the storefront design feature.

How to become a successful seller in the market
The CatCraft Player-Market thrives off player-to-player trading. Becoming a profitable shop owner when starting can be difficult. However, there are numerous tips and tricks that you can apply to maximize your passive diamond income and become a reputable market seller.
This official guide will go through every viable medium to become a successful trader on CatCraft!
- Structuring, designing, and decorating your market stall.
- Choosing what items/blocks to sell.
- Tips on advertising and bringing awareness.
- ...
- Profit
Structuring, designing and decorating
To begin, you'll want to decide what kind of shop you would like to create. Would you like to develop a...
- Supplier shop (That sell drops you collect from hostile and passive mob-farms).
- Commons Shop (That sells sand, dirt, grass blocks, stone, cobblestone, terracotta, wool, and other essential building blocks).
- Enchanters Shop (That sells enchanting books, enchanted gear, and other rare items).
- Crop Shop (That sells wheat, carrots, pumpkins, potatoes, sweet berries, beetroots, bamboo, sugar-cane, and mushrooms).
- Nether Shop (That sells items/blocks that are exclusively found in the nether, i.e., wither skulls, piglin trade goods, etc.)
- End-Void Shop (That sells items/blocks that are exclusively found in the end, i.e., purpur blocks, elytra's, dragon-heads and shulkers, etc.).
- Florist (That sells flower pots and different kinds of flowers)
- Banner Shop (That sells pre-made and custom-designed banners with single/double/triple variations).
- Commerical supplies shop (That sells drops from guardian, blaze, wither-skeleton, drowned and pillager farms).
- Zoo Shop (That sells mob spawn eggs and pet-food)
- Music Shop (That sells music discs, jukeboxes, and note blocks)
- Redstone Shop (That sells Redstone-related items)
- Precious Ore Shop (That sells gold, emeralds, coal, and lapis).
- Unique Items Shop (That sells items that require crafting or smelting), such as lanterns, glazed terracotta, bricks, and kelp blocks).
- Witchcraft Shop (That sells all sorts of potions and brewing materials).
Choosing what items/blocks to sell
Next, you'll want to decide whether to offer services to other members on CatCraft in exchange for diamonds. For instance, helping out with large project builds, farms and fixing Redstone contraptions. If you plan to offer services, let the other members know how to contact you by leaving your player IGN. Members can mail you with the /mail command to let you know if they're interested in meeting for your service.
If you're planning on creating a shop that aims for a high-profit with quick profits, then creating a shop that sells only trending items/blocks could be a good alternative.
Here is a list of items/blocks that are currently in high-demand:
- Wool
- Sand
- Stone
- Bricks
- Different variants of quartz blocks.
- Elytra's
- Enchanted Books
- Netherite items
Tips on advertising and bringing awareness
Advertising your shop is a great way to increase diamond profits and bring awareness of your store to other members on CatCraft. The best way to advertise is through the #market-chat channel on the CatCraft discord server. You can also join the in-game market chat, by typing /channel market . To leave the market chat, type /g
Those who have not purchased their first market stall or are planning on re-locating to a new market stall, should consider purchasing a market stall as close to the center point of the market. Shops close to the market center have increased traffic and a greater chance of sales.
/shopmenu | Open your personal market stall menu |
/market | Teleport to the player-trading market. |
/arm tp [shopID] | Teleport to someone's shop ID, e.g. /arm tp a1u2 |
/channel market | Talk in dedicated market chat and advertise for more sales. |
/channel group | Talk in dedicated group chat that is based on a 100 block proximity distance. |
/help cshop | Brief guide on how to make your own chest-shops. |
/ts help | More information on chest-shop commands. |
/ts what | See the contents of what is being sold in a chest-shop. |
/ts setProduct | Set a specific item to be sold in your chestshop. Hold the item while performing this command |
/ts addProduct | Add an additional item to be sold in your chestshop. Hold the item while performing this command. |
/ts open or close | Change the status of your chestshop from open/close. |
/ts addManager [player] | Add a player that can fully-access/manage your chestshop. |
/ts status | Check the stock levels of your chestshops |
/balance | See your current diamond bank balance. |
/heads | Explore the 30k+ custom heads available to purchase for in-game diamonds. |
/heads search [type] | Search for a specific type of custom head. |
/shopfinder | Find the nearest available to buy, shop stall. |
/trade | Trade with a player through a secure gui. |
How do I teleport to another player(s) shop?
Use the command /arm tp [shopID]
For instance, if you would like to teleport to the shop a1u1, use the command /arm tp a1u1
Are crate reward items allowed to be sold? I.e., CatGod tools, gear, and weapons?
If I sell back my store, do I receive my diamonds back?
Once you have bought a store, you can not receive those 180 diamonds back. The goal is to pay off your store by selling items/blocks. Buying a market stall is a good investment.
When will my shop be terminated?
An Admin will reset your shop if you do not log onto the server for 31 days. You will receive a notification from a staff member through the in-game mail system three days before removal. Check your mail using the command /mail read
Note: If you cannot join the server within 31 days, please contact the staff through a discord server support ticket.
I'm still having trouble with my shop!
Contact online staff by typing the command /helpop [yourMessage], and an online staff member will be with you shortly. If there is no online staff available, create a support ticket on the discord server with -new in the #staff-help channel.
Is inflation a problem in the green realm economy?
No, it’s not. While there are some concerns about the rising prices of rarities, this only really impacts collectors and those focused on gathering specific rare items or ultra-legendaries from crates. For the average player—especially new players, the core gameplay remains completely unaffected. Tools from crates released years ago still have the same powerful enchantments (Efficiency 6, Unbreaking 5, Mending), which means anyone can easily obtain high-quality gear to start gathering resources. For example, having multiple pickaxes from different crates offers no real advantage because you can only use one at a time. This eliminates any need to stockpile tools to stay competitive, so no one is disadvantaged.
How does inflation in CatCraft compare to real life?
In real-world economics, inflation happens when a country prints excessive money without backing it up with actual goods or services, leading to a significant drop in the value of that currency. Extreme cases like Zimbabwe have shown how hyperinflation can cripple an economy. But CatCraft’s economy is entirely self-contained and driven by players. There’s no international trade, no tax, no debt, and no external economic factors. Here, inflationary pressure is restricted to luxury items like crate rarities and other collectibles. It doesn’t touch essential gameplay items because our market doesn’t rely on complex real-world economic dynamics. This means that while rarities may increase in price over time, the overall gameplay economy remains stable and accessible for everyone.
Could veteran players accumulating diamonds distort the economy for new players?
No, although it might seem that veterans with large diamond reserves could distort the economy, this simply isn’t the case. The accumulation of diamonds has no effect on the availability of core resources or the overall gameplay for newcomers. Diamonds in CatCraft are primarily used to trade for rare or collectible items—luxuries that don’t impact core progression. Essential items like high-level enchantment books, fireworks, blocks, and food remain widely available at cheap prices thanks to large-scale automated farms built by players over the years. The abundance of resources means that veteran diamond hoarding doesn't put newcomers at any kind of disadvantage. Instead, they can jump right into the game and enjoy the same access to resources as anyone else.
Why do crate rarities feel more expensive now?
The rising cost of rarities is simple and is caused by the fact that diamonds have become more common and abundant in the player base, and we do not reset player progress, which increases the demand for these rare items. Additionally, the 1.18 Caves and Cliffs update released by Mojang made diamonds significantly easier to find, further contributing to this abundance. While the number of crate keys purchased remains similar each year, many players now have stockpiles of diamonds, driving up competition for rarities. Naturally, this increase in demand has led to higher prices. However, it’s important to note that this inflation is limited to luxury items—these changes don’t affect the price of basic resources that all players need to progress.
What could be done to balance the cost of rarities?
There are two clear solutions:
- Encouraging more players to participate in crate openings can help increase the supply of rarities, which in turn would naturally lower their prices by balancing supply and demand.
- Allow players to purchase crate keys with diamonds directly from the server. While this option may seem appealing, it requires careful consideration to avoid oversaturating the market with rarities, which could impact the value and uniqueness of both the in-game diamond economy and the player-driven marketplace. If too many rarities are available due to this change, their value and uniqueness will diminish, making them feel less special. This system also funds the server’s growth, allowing us to introduce more exciting updates, development, and features, so fewer crate purchases would slow down that progress. Another concern is fairness. Allowing diamonds to be spent directly for crate keys may give an unintended advantage to long-time players who have large diamond reserves, making it harder for newer players to compete. Our priority is ensuring the gameplay remains balanced, fair, and enjoyable for all players, which is why we carefully consider these factors to make the best decisions for our community.